Robert Kaufman Fabrics
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About Us > RSS Feeds

Robert Kaufman Fabrics: RSS Feeds

What is an RSS Feed?

Well, defined RSS is the acronym used to describe the de facto standard for the syndication of Web content. RSS is a web format and while it can be used in different ways for content distribution, its most widespread usage is in distributing news headlines on the Web. Syndicated content can include data such as news feeds, events listings, news stories, headlines, project updates, and excerpts from discussion forums or even corporate information.

How is using RSS Feeds?

With our continuously changing product line, we thought it only prudent to employ this helpful system to get our customers the latest information about our products and events. We’ve made RSS Feeds available throughout the site on select pages as well as all of our designer pages. As new products are announced, these feeds will be immediately updated reflecting the current changes.

How do I find the RSS Feeds?

In the top right portion of the page, you will notice this icon:
When you see this icon, the page you are currently viewing has a built in RSS feed. Using an RSS aggregator, you can then subscribe to the feed.

Here is a current directory of all the pages within our site that have RSS Feeds:


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